This plugin provides configuration extensions so a user is able to specify advanced default options for individual areas of the site. This is only available to administrators.
5 Widgets are built into this plugin:
4 Roads - Forum Advanced Options
4 Roads - Blog Advanced Options
4 Roads - Calendar Advanced Options
4 Roads - User Notifications
4 Roads - Group Advanced Options
Default Forum Subscription Widget
This widget allows you to manage the default subscription options for a individual forums and also allows you to change all members of the groups preference.
Default Blog Subscription Widget
This widget allows you to manage the default subscription options for a individual blogs and also allows you to change all members of the groups preference.
Default Calendar Subscription Widget
This widget allows you to manage the default subscription options for a individual calendars and also allows you to change all members of the groups preference.
Default User Notification Widget
This widget allows and administrator to manage the default notification settings for a new user and also give an administrator the ability reset all users on the site to a particular configuration
Default Group Advanced Notification Widget
This widget allows and administrator to manage the default notification settings for all users.
This software is opensource. Want to contribute or report an issue? Please navigate to our github page: