This is a collection of additional triggers and actions for Telligent Community.
These rules are automatic actions that Community performs in response to platform triggers and conditions specified in the Rules tab of the Control Panel.
UserUpdated Trigger This trigger is fired when specified fields in the user profile are changed.
AbusiveContent Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply is flagged as being abusive.
ForumAnswerAccepted Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply is flagged as being the answer.
ForumAnswerRejected Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply is rejected as being the answer.
ForumReplyUpVoted Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply is up voted by a user.
ForumReplyUpVoteCancel Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply up vote is later removed by a user.
ForumReplyDownVoted Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply is down voted by a user.
ForumReplyDownVoteCancel Trigger This trigger is fired when a forum reply down vote is later removed by a user.
UnjoinAllGroups Action This action removes a user from all groups that they are a member of, for example when the user is banned.
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