Display up to six rotating hero images and up to four flipping call-to-action boxes with Slider. Each slide can be customized, and within each of the boxes users can display up to five call-to-action links. This widget enables users to display content like welcome text, getting started, and other helpful links. This slider is clean, modern and customizable to match your brand color theme. Use on landing pages or spaces to highlight important content, feature information and direct users to where they need to go.
Key Features:
Updates Made To Slider:
Slider with No Flipping Boxes
This shows an example of a configuration that displays no flipping boxes.
Slider with One Flipping Box
This shows an example of a configuration that displays one flipping box.
Slider with Two Flipping Boxes
This shows an example of a configuration that displays two flipping boxes.
Slider with Three Flipping Boxes
This shows an example of a configuration that displays three flipping boxes.
Slider with Four Flipping Boxes
This shows an example of a configuration that displays four flipping boxes.
Slider View when Box is Flipped
This shows the view when you hover over a flipping box.
Mobile/ Narrow Column View
This shows what the widget will display as in a mobile or narrow column view.
Please note when in mobile or a narrow column view that the image and text become more compressed. Underneath the image, the flipping boxes and links are listed as an accordion.
Configuration of Slider by SE
Price: $1,000 annually